Many of our treks are situated in exotic and secluded locations across the world, however this doesn’t mean the treks are easy! The participants registered for the Trek for Kids challenges have not just signed up to have an amazing holiday but are supporting and changing the lives of children suffering from abuse and neglect and helping them to overcome their experiences through integrated therapy.
The treks are not just a mental and physical challenge for our trekkers, but the lead-up to the event can be just as intense. For some of our trekkers, training, fundraising and the overall excitement can often become overwhelming. However, raising money and training for a trek becomes a whole lot easier when being prepared, setting small milestones to achieve and by having realistic expectations about what you can achieve and how you are going to achieve it.
So to help you understand what it takes to be a ‘trekker’ and what may be involved to prepare for the event, we have asked a few of our trekkers to gift their knowledge to those who are wanting to know a little more…
Sue & Michael Trek for kids Kokoda 2019

Husband and wife duo, Sue and Michael, signed up to the trek with a strong purpose – to make a difference. Here are a few things you may not know about Sue, along with some great ideas as to how they have achieved what they once thought was impossible.
Name: Sue Wright
Favourite place to visit: Vietnam
Craziest thing I’ve ever done: This! – the Kokoda Trek for Kids
Favourite Quote: “Fall seven times, stand up eight”
When I was a kid I wanted to be a: Detective
Now I spend my days: Managing an U/18’s NPL Soccer team
One thing on my bucket list is: Well it was to Trek Kokoda, but now I’m about to tick that off!
My favourite midnight snack would have to be: Anything sweet
If I could only use one #hashtag for the rest of my life it would be:#lovinglife
On the trek, the thing I’ll miss most from home is: My bed
But I’m really looking forward to: Getting outdoors. Michael and I are both nervous and excited to get out on the trial in PNG, and to enrich ourselves in the history and personal challenges that Kokoda will be sure to deliver us, both in very different ways I’m sure.
The reason I wanted to complete the Kokoda Trek for Kids is: Not only to raise money and awareness for the charity, but for the physical and mental challenge.
I’m passionate about supporting Act for Kids because: Children of Australia need to feel safe and loved. I’m inspired by the work of Act for Kids and wanted to support them by raising money and awareness. I feel all children that WE as parents bring into this world, deserve to be healthy, happy and safe.
Fundraising can often be a challenge, what ideas can you give to future trekkers wanting to have an event and or raise as much money as they can?
‘Bogan Bingo’ was a good one for us, but any outing or dinner party can be turned into a fundraising activity. High teas and dinner parties are always great. Advertise it well!!
The Kokoda Trail is an incredibly challenging Trek. What exercise/fitness regime have you been following?
I’ve followed a little of our Trek Leader Glenn Azar’s ‘Adventure Fitness Guide’ and covered plenty of km’s/hill work, as well as gym workouts and stairs. I feel prepared and ready.
What advice do you have for future trekkers that sign up for a Trek for Kids adventure?
Take advantage of all the podcasts and information made available for the trek. And for the fundraising side of things, don’t be afraid to reach out for help and get creative with fundraising.
Karen Trek for kids Kokoda 2019

Karen signed up for the Kokoda Trek to not only raise awareness and money for Act for Kids, but to challenge herself physically and mentally while she’s still young! Karen has raised an amazing amount of money to support Act for Kids so far and put in a lot of hours of preparation to make sure she can conquer the challenging Kokoda Trek and here’s how…
Name: Karen Austin
Favourite place to visit: Melbourne
Craziest thing I’ve ever done: Sign up for the Act for Kids Kokoda Trek!
Favourite Quote: ‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind”
When I was a kid I wanted to be a: A PE Teacher
Now I spend my days: Working Full Time and Training for Kokoda
One thing on my bucket list is: Travel around the world on a luxury cruise ship
My favourite midnight snack would have to be: Crumpets and vegemite with a cup of tea
If I could only use one #hashtag for the rest of my life it would be:#LiveLaughLove
On the trek, the thing I’ll miss most from home is: My Family
But I’m really looking forward to: The Dawn service on Anzac Day
The reason I wanted to complete the Kokoda Trek for Kids is:
A personal mental and physical challenge before I’m too old!
I’m passionate about supporting Act for Kids because: Act for Kids is an Australian charity supporting Australian children in need of integrated therapy and support.
Fundraising can often be a challenge, what ideas can you give to future trekkers wanting to have an event and or raise as much money as they can?
If possible, combine your fundraising efforts with a friend. My fellow trekker and I held a Trivia night and it was a huge success. Also I had a huge response from my fellow colleagues by sending out an email.
The Kokoda Trail is an incredibly challenging Trek. What exercise/fitness regime have you been following?
Training in the gym 5 days per week doing circuit type functional training for the past 14 months. Fitting in some long bush walks with a pack when I could and wearing in my hiking boots. I’m feeling as prepared as I can possibly be!
What advice do you have for future trekkers that sign up for a Trek for Kids adventure?
Spend the money on top quality footwear and socks. This is a must!!
Do you want to know more about our upcoming treks and see how your involvement and or support can impact the lives of many little Aussies? Click here